University essay
Success In College Essay
Friday, August 28, 2020
Principal of Responsible Business Business Values and Ethics
Question: Portray about the Principal of Responsible Business for Business Values and Ethics. Answer: 1. From the above contextual investigation, it is required to draw out the fundamental issues of ADSY. ADSY is pharmaceutical industry in Egypt (Lehoux et al., 2014). This specific organization faces issues with low piece of the pie as it flops in rivaling different multinationals in and around the globe. Salem, deals and advertising Director of ADSY was tad perplexed with the issue and assembled for sure fire conference for taking care of the issue. Justification for the investigation is to break down the reality with respect to the offer of antibodies to doctors. Gentile (2015) contends that ADSY should offers motivating force like different multinationals for holding in the worldwide commercial center. Unexpectedly, ADSY faces issues and needs counter contention by the business group for social occasion realities on low piece of the overall industry. So as to rival multinationals, ADSY requires in finding imaginative way and making Unique Selling Proportion in the up and coming mo ney related year. This contextual investigation on ADSY brings out main problems in the wake of review at the marketing chart for the year 2006. This should be tended to by the administration of ADSY for continuing sooner rather than later (Gentile, 2013). 2. From the contextual investigation, stake for the key gatherings are the overseeing executive of ADSY. Their cash is put at ADSY and misfortune in piece of the overall industry will influence their notoriety to a great extent. Edwards et al., (2012) recommend that business group contended with respect to low piece of the overall industry yet kept point in finding creative manner in unraveling the issue. From the wording of Adel who is the top salespeople of ADSY, he was of the feeling in offering motivating forces to the doctors like different multinationals (Edwards et al., 2014). ADSY is the merchants for top multinationals who targets offering antibodies to doctors in and around the nation. Despite what might be expected, Chappell et al., (2013) propose that ADSY finds the issues looked by salespeople for low piece of the overall industry. ADSY was feeling the squeeze for offering physical impetuses. For the organization ADSY, impetuses framework is for the most part used by the top-multinationals at moderate costs (Arce Gentile, 2015). 3. Gentile (2015) contends that losing piece of the overall industry is a significant issue looked by ADSY. There are numerous assessments given by the individuals at group meeting for bringing improvement at ADSY. They have dissected that doctors shows enthusiasm selling antibodies from multinationals as they renders motivating force bundles (Edwards et al., 2014). This sort of motivators includes commissions just as blessings and free relaxation trips. Some colleagues are of the feeling that giving denunciations will corrupt their current position and should think some other solid method of fathoming the issue beyond what many would consider possible (Arce Gentile, 2015). Gentile (2015) contends that offer of pharmaceutical industry are for the most part profoundly subordinate particularly for the medicine for drugs by the doctors to patients. The vast majority of the top-multinationals are because of effort of most extreme exertion for persuading doctors (Edwards et al., 2014). It includes endorsing items to patients. Expansion to that, it should give impetuses like medication tests just as solicitations to the vast majority of the worldwide gatherings (Lehoux et al., 2014). 4. As per Gentile (2015), this contextual analysis contends with convincing reaction in regards to issues with dishonest conduct for the doctors. There emerges moral clash between the doctors just as patient government assistance for thinking about for future examination reason. ADSY should design ways for base their choices relying on the patients needs. ADSY targets contending with different multinationals and addition high piece of the pie in the up and coming monetary year. Issues emerge as doctors for the most part propose costly brands antibodies to the patients to get the additional edge of benefits (Edwards et al., 2014). This has influenced the market of ADSY to a great extent and necessities quick consideration by the business group and chiefs of ADSY. Moral predicament looked by ADSY ought to be watched that drove in losing piece of the pie in the current world (Arce Gentile, 2015). Edward et al., (2012) contends in keeping up administration exercises particularly for delivering just as advertising of organic items and antibodies in the area. It should pace with ongoing innovative advancement just as worldwide rivalry simultaneously. It requires commitment of fulfilling the necessities of the patients at reasonable costs in and around the globe (Lehoux et al., 2014). It is accordingly imperative to consider the contextual analysis with respect to the future effect of low piece of the pie for holding in the worldwide commercial center. Deals group and different agents should make imaginative arrangements for fathoming the issues. Reference List Arce, D. G., Gentile, M. C. (2015). Offering Voice to Values as an influence point in business morals instruction. Diary of Business Ethics, 131(3), 535-542. Chappell, S., Edwards, M. G., Webb, D. (2013). Continuing Voices: Applying Giving Voice to Values to Sustainability Issues. Diary of Business Ethics Education, 10, 211-230. Edwards, M. G., Kirkham, N. (2014). Arranging Giving Voice to Values: A metatheoretical assessment of another way to deal with business morals. Diary of Business Ethics, 121(3), 477-495. Edwards, M. G., Webb, D., Chappell, S., Gentile, M. (2012). Offering Voice to Values: another point of view on morals in globalized hierarchical conditions. Moral models and utilizations of globalization: Culture, socio-political and monetary points of view, 160-185. Gentile, M. C. (2013). Offering voice to values. In Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 1218-1221). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Gentile, M. C. (2015). Finding out about moral authority through the offering voice to values educational plan. New bearings for understudy initiative, 2015(146), 35-47. Lehoux, P., Daudelin, G., Hivon, M., Miller, F. A., Denis, J. L. (2014). How do values shape innovation plan? An investigation of what makes the quest for wellbeing and riches genuine in scholarly spin㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ offs. Humanism of wellbeing disease, 36(5), 738-755.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Research & Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Research and Presentation - Essay Example D.). In staying aware of correspondence in an association viably, and proficiently a Human Resources supervisor is administering the significance of legitimate correspondence between lower level Human Resource directors, and senior level Human Resource administrators. Having a stable, and solid Information Technology framework will guarantee that the Human Resource supervisors will be stayed up with the latest, and speedily educated if there is an adjustment in anything, anyplace in the association. This implies if an association is a global organization the association will profit by having a modern Information Technology office. The Human Resource supervisory crew will have the option to convey successfully, and proficiently with Human Resource chiefs in another country. Having a powerful, and solid Information Technology framework is significant in such a case that the Human Resources supervisory group can't impart adequately and productively with individuals from the group inside the association, the organization won't stay serious. Before an organization can stay serious an organization needs to actualize an Information Technology office, and everybody inside the association needs to impart adequately, and productively. Company’s who are not contemporary organizations and utilize Information Technology, and the PC can't contend successfully with bigger, progressively experienced organizations who do use Information Technology. The Human Resources trough can keep records on representatives in a database on the PC. The database is a piece of the Information Technology framework. At the point when Human Resource directors keep up records on workers in a database, Human Resource supervisors can keep up exact data about a representatives execution. In keeping exact data on representative exhibitions Human Resource chiefs will know when it comes time to fire a worker. Human Resource directors keep up positive data about workers too. Having the positive da ta at the Human Resource administrators fingertips will permit a Human Resources chief to realize when to give a worker a raise. Customarily, Human Resource chiefs would keep up exact data on the representative advantages bundle. This was done physically, and the data was put away in a record in a file organizer in the Human Resource administrators office. Today, the Human Resource supervisory group will keep up exact data on representative advantage bundles using a database. This data can be imparted to other Human Resource chiefs, and others inside the association who are needing the data with the utilization of the Information Technology framework. With the utilization of a dependable, and viable Information Technology framework senior Human Resource chiefs can adequately discuss inside the association various significant data. The Human Resource directors have come to depend on the Information Technology framework to successfully carry out their responsibility. At the point when an organization has an Information Technology framework set up the organization can viably impart inside the association whether, or not the organization is a global organization. The Information
Friday, August 21, 2020
Into The Millennium Essay Example For Students
Into The Millennium Essay Into The MillenniumFor the vast majority family is one of the most significant pieces of life. For they are the individuals who raised you and encouraged you things required throughout everyday life. For the vast majority of us we have an association with are family that is unparallel throughout everyday life, which is the purpose behind are undying adoration. On occasion however there is a point where we underestimate are family similar to they will consistently be near. Guardians may do things that are not settled upon by the kids, yet the parent thinks it is in the child’s wellbeing. In some cases it probably won't be the best activity in that circumstance, yet guardians want to shield their kids from the threats of the world. Then again, youngsters don't generally tune in to the counsel their folks give them and can get themselves into a great deal of difficulty. We will compose a custom exposition on Into The Millennium explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now At any rate you take a gander at it, more often than not we don't understand what we have until it isn't longer with us. Ordinarily we do underestimate our family and when one passes away there are numerous things we wish we could have said or done to show them are love. The play â€Å"Into The Woods,†by Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine is an immediate case of how families treat one another. There is struggle going from despising sisters, to defensive moms and a differing a couple. At long last lives are lost, family are in torment and those left understand that they have to treat their family better and clutch the friends and family that they have. Families do experience numerous troublesome decisions together, however they likewise should take care of the issues together, and keep harmony inside the family, since awful decision will be lamented when those friends and family are not around longer. From my understanding of the play’s subject I have chosen to set my play on the 28 of December 1999, 3 days before the thousand years. The area is New York City, utilizing Time Square at the fundamental convergence of the play, much like the forested areas. The Empire State Building will be where Rapunzel’s is keep by the which. It will be a room at the top, which is obscure and out of reach to anybody. The youthful couple should recover 4 things from the witch. One, the youthful boy’s white kangaroo, two the silver shoe from Cinderella, three, the lovely long hair from Rapunsel and fourth, a delightful mink coat from a little, youthful on-screen character. The youthful dark kid will locate a port inside an Inner City New York back street and find his wealth. The port takes the little fellow to Japan where he takes cash and uncommon assets from Japanese wrongdoing family. The family at that point comes back to get their taken merchandise and in the process executes individuals that hold them up. The witch will be meet in Central Park, and will show up as an old, wrinkled up woman who has all the earmarks of being destitute and takes care of the pigeons the whole day. Cinderella will be an excellent young lady in battered garments and she needs to show up at an enormous gathering tossed by a famous actor. She at that point is made up into a wonderful woman and sought after by the famous actor she had always wanted. They all wind up pondering around Time Square looking for or running from their separate things or individuals. The thousand years will be the time set by the witch for which the things must be recovered by the youthful couple. .u3bc46f8d99a2c0456a20715ed382fac8 , .u3bc46f8d99a2c0456a20715ed382fac8 .postImageUrl , .u3bc46f8d99a2c0456a20715ed382fac8 .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u3bc46f8d99a2c0456a20715ed382fac8 , .u3bc46f8d99a2c0456a20715ed382fac8:hover , .u3bc46f8d99a2c0456a20715ed382fac8:visited , .u3bc46f8d99a2c0456a20715ed382fac8:active { border:0!important; } .u3bc46f8d99a2c0456a20715ed382fac8 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u3bc46f8d99a2c0456a20715ed382fac8 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u3bc46f8d99a2c0456a20715ed382fac8:active , .u3bc46f8d99a2c0456a20715ed382fac8:hover { mistiness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u3bc46f8d99a2c0456a20715ed382fac8 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3bc46f8d99a2c0456a20715ed382fac8 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enrichment: underline; } .u3bc46f8d99a2c0456a20715ed382fac8 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u3bc46f8d99a2c0456a20715ed382fac8 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content improvement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3bc46f8d99a2c0456a20715ed382fac8:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u3bc46f 8d99a2c0456a20715ed382fac8 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u3bc46f8d99a2c0456a20715ed382fac8-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u3bc46f8d99a2c0456a20715ed382fac8:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Plato And Conservative Christians Essay If not recovered by the cutoff time their desire won't be allowed. The Characters will be wearing present day garments, Cinderella and the Young Actress young lady with the mink coat will be dressed a la mode and with pattern setting apparel. Aside from before Cinderella’s wish is conceded then she will be wearing worn out helpful downs from her sisters. The state of mind will be dim and alongside the hues to give it a to some degree scary inclination. The Japanese men will be wearing Suites, and all have dim shades on and just one will have a talking line and be the pioneer. The Young Couple will be wearing easygoing garments, however made to resemble a typical couple from New York. The sets will be huge and expand so as to give the full Time Square Effect. The lights will be splendid, yet much despite everything take into consideration an empty mind-set. Advanced store signs from Time Square will be noticeable and there additionally should be tall sky scrappers obvious out of sight. There additionally should be a dull rear entryway path between two structures in Time Square, alongside bench’s and light posts. In Scenes with the Empire State Building and Rapunzel a tall structures must be set up given it a bustling New York City influence. The kid and his mom will be a poor family from the downtown, wearing garments with gaps, dull and trashy looking. They will talk utilizing bunches of slang, yet additionally quite simple to coexist with. The house, where the famous actor lives, will be rich with pleasant glasses, furniture, a crystal fixture, with excellent works of art up and down the dividers. The hues in the house will predominantly comprise of white or other light, rich hues. All additional items, and entertainers will have Hollywood like dress clothing for their tux and dresses. Their way of discourse will be appropriate and to some degree self important. Concerning the Central park set, there will be heaps of tall trees, old light post, a pathway, and park seats alongside rocks and leaves and different garbage. This is a concise conversation of what how each character ought to be and how dress, props and sets should look. After the passings, the play will portray that it is so difficult to lose a relative or cherished on in the quest for material belongings or dreams that you may think will satisfy you. It will likewise show how material belongings are not worth underestimating friends and family. All in all we ought not chance passionate satisfaction for material bliss and prosperity. Theater Essays
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Statement of Purpose - Graduate School Sample Essays
Statement of Purpose - Graduate School Sample EssaysWhen you're looking for writing samples for your statement of purpose, there are several different ways to go about it. In this article I'm going to give you a couple options, with a bit of advice on each one.First of all, I recommend using a handful of sample essays, as they will give you a general idea of what you'll be dealing with when you're writing the formal letter of recommendation. In most cases, it is far easier to come up with an essay than it is to come up with a solid letter of recommendation. If you try to do both at once, you can become frustrated.Another option for sample essays is to make them yourself, and submit them to the admissions office along with your application. If you're good at spelling and grammatical mistakes, this is an excellent method.Finally, there is a third option for sample essays that will give you a brief statement of purpose, along with some 'jokes' to help you 'personalize' the course of you r life, if you are already doing so. What exactly are you going to say in these samples? Usually the best thing to do is to describe the level of success you've had in your degree program, whether it's at a large school or a smaller one.It's very rare that a student wants to talk about something they haven't accomplished, and it's extremely rare that they need to 'get back in the saddle'. They generally just want to share their interests and how they've benefited from it. The letters of recommendation often do this for them; making this a form of memorabilia you can give to your friends and classmates.There are other possibilities, too, if you really feel that the curriculum of your institution or university graduate school website is missing a valuable tool. For example, the section on recommendations should give examples of students who have had a great success, or a difficult experience, in their program.Ultimately, as long as you choose sample essays that are interesting and off er interesting stories, you can learn a lot about yourself, your interests, and your future career. You may also get some great ideas of what courses to take to move forward in your studies. Just make sure to avoid writing a 400-page dissertation!
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Why Philosophy Is Still Necessary - 986 Words
As I was attempting to brain storm for this assignment, I ran out of ideas so I decided to read the prompt again and again for inspiration and hopefully some new ideas. That is when I realized that the prompt itself had the answer that I was looking for. My answer was sitting there waiting for me in the last sentence of the prompt, â€Å"The question whether Philosophy is still necessary or not remains an intriguing question, triggering different position.†Philosophy is still necessary in our modern and scientific world today because Philosophy is the intriguing question that is triggered by several events in different positions in our daily lives. In our fast paced world today, people sometimes tend to want answers all the time without even having to ask questions and unfortunately, technology, media and social media have made that possible. If we are to agree to define Philosophy as the questioning of ourselves and our surroundings in order to acquire knowledge, we would co me to realize that without Philosophy we would be living a clueless life. If it was not for Philosophy and the concept of asking questions, then Isaac Newton would have walked away from that tree to see a doctor because an apple fell on his head. However, he started questioning why the apple fell and going after what had made the apple move in the first place. Now one might argue that if it was not for science, we will never have the correct answers, thus they give science more value and cherish it more.Show MoreRelatedDifferences Between Marx And Feuerbach s Conceptions Of The Relationship Between Philosophy And Religion1718 Words  | 7 Pagesconsidering the differences between Marx’s and Feuerbach’s conceptions of the relationship between philosophy and religion, as well as the implications this has for their thoughts on religion, which brief discussion on the criticisms one could pose to these thinkers for their theories. What is important to note before we begi n is that both of these thinkers are reacting to the Enlightenment era of Philosophy which is the idea of a rational and scientific approach to religion and the self. Kant definedRead MoreChristian Schools And Its Impact On The Development Of The Community871 Words  | 4 PagesChristian schools play a vital role in the development of the community and the students that make up the body. The Christian church has often seen philosophy as a roadblock to understanding our true purpose as humans and not a tool for learning what that purpose is. Philosophy is our response to every area of life, because through philosophy we investigate the truths and principles of being. Apostle Paul wrote two letter to the Thessalonians in which he was concerned about their receptivityRead MoreEssay on Discussion over the Existence of God1249 Words  | 5 PagesGod remains one of the finest pursuits of the human mind to break out of the world and surpass the practical or extraordinary realm of experience. Without a doubt, the question of Gods existence is one of the most significant questions of human philosophy. 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Contrary to popular belief, Karl Marx actually believed in a classless society, in which everyone would be considered equal and treated equally, thus, eliminating the possibility for inequalityRead MoreDifferences Between The Roman And Han Dynasty1289 Words  | 6 PagesThesis: Due to a better centralized and staffed bureaucracy based on a common political philosophy the Han dynasty was able to more cohesively integrate the regions it ruled over, and because of this they were able to have a longer lasting influence. One necessary part of any large empire like the Roman empire or the Han dynasty is an organized power structure. Both the Romans and the Han had similar power structures in some functions, but they differed in ideologies and emphasis on roles of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cyber Café Business Plan - 3481 Words
1 Appendix 4: Sample Business Plan CYBER CAFÉ BUSINESS PLAN JEDI CAFÉ 2 TABLE OF CONTENT 1. Executive Summary 3 2. Company Summary 5 3. Services 7 4. Market Analysis 8 5. Marketing Strategy 11 6. Management Summary 13 7. Financial Plan 14 3 1. Executive Summary Jedi Cafà ©, a cyber cafà © located in Happy Valley, Hong Kong Island, offers a perfect spot for the public in social gathering and leisure. It provides customers free access to the Internet as well as an area for to meet together in a casual environment under an economical manner. The business intends to obtain finance from external equity in the amount of USD61,540, for which the application will be for commencing work on shop renovation, equipment purchases,†¦show more content†¦3.3 Technology Jedi Cafà © will invest in high-speed computers to provide its customers with a fast and efficient connection to the Internet. The computers will be reliable and fun to work with. Jedi Cafà © will continue to upgrade and modify the systems to stay with current technologies. 8 4. Market Analysis Jedi Cafà © is facing the opportunity of being the pioneer in the Happy Valley cyber cafà © market. The consistent popularity of coffee, combined with the growing interest in the Internet, has been proven to be a winning concept in other markets and will produce the same results in Happy Valley. 4.1 Market Segmentation Jedi Cafà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s customers can be divided into two groups. The first group is familiar with the Internet and desires a progressive and inviting atmosphere where they can get out of their offices or bedrooms and enjoy a great cup of coffee. The second group is not familiar with the Internet, yet, and is just waiting for the right opportunity to enter the online community. Jedi Cafà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s target market falls anywhere between the ages of 15 and 70. This extremely wide range of ages is due to the fact that both coffee and the Internet appeal to a variety of people. In addition to these two broad categories, Jedi Cafà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s target market can be divided into more specific market segments. The majority of these individuals are students and business people. See the Market Analysis table below for more specifics.Show MoreRelatedSystem Administration, Security, Backup And Security1170 Words  | 5 PagesAdministration, Security, Backup and Security Cyber Cafà © Management was created for management of systems. All cyber cafes basically have the same needs, renting computer systems to their customers and charging them on regular and timely basis. A Cyber Cafà © have computers that customers will used for a certain amount of time and start time will be noted. For security reasons, it is a must to have some details about the customers to protect the business as well as other customers. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Differences Between My Best Friend and I free essay sample
It is hard to believe that my best friend Kelly and I have a lots of differences. Even though, we love each other we are completely different In our personalities, work experience and how we take care of our family. We both have great personalities. Kelly and I have been friends since I was 5 years old. We went to the same school and stayed In the same class until we went to high school. For example, Kelly Is very friendly and she has a great humor. She Is very outgoing and love to talk with different people , even people she just Met . The other hand, I am very shy and serious kind of person. I do not like to talk with other people. For these reason is hard for me to make new Friend . To illustrate that ,when we are invited to our neighbor birthday party , so we went to celebrate with his family and friends. We will write a custom essay sample on Differences Between My Best Friend and I or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The party was full of strangers and Kelly began to talk with those strangers. All I did was seat in the table alone and wait for someone to talk to me. Kelly came and start to introduce me to her new friends .I feel so proud of her , because if wasnt for her , I never have the rage to introduce myself to them. Another example, Is that Kelly and I have different kinds of works . She works as secretary and I work as house cleaner -She had this great Job In Boston as secretary . Alt Is near her house, she has a great salary and a month of vacation paid every year -Her Job Is so easy and she Just have to answer the phone ,book appointments and be in the office the whole day. However, I work as house cleaner , it is very hard work by cleaning other people dirty houses.One of the problems is hat I spend a lot of money on gas, cleaning products and vacuum repairs. My salary is not stable it depends in how many houses I clean every week. Paid vacation forget about it . Finally is our Family, that is the best and important gift that anyone can have . Kelly and I have a wonderful family, we both have kids and we have been married for 5 years. Kelly has two boys and one little girl, their names are Robert 10 years old, Nicholas 8 years old and Amanda 4 years old . Have three kids too ,leanest, I have two girls kern 9 years old, Sarah 4 years old and a boy he Is 12 ears old. We both love Our family very much and we appreciate staying together with our family . Even though, Kelly prefer to stay home and be creative with her kids by doing crafts activities . 1 prefer to go outside and play with them . Last winter we went to Jockeys Park and our kids got to play together and they had a terrific time -When the park was closing we decided to sleep at the hotel inside the park, again that was the best part for Kelly stay inside.Besides our differences , we both have a wonderful family and we always share tit each other ways to raise and educate our kids. After all our differences we still best friends Differences Between My Best Friend and I By Joked It is hard to believe that my best friend Kelly and I have a lots of differences. Even stayed in the same class until we went to high school. For example, Kelly is very friendly and she has a great humor. She is very outgoing and love to talk with different people , even people she Just Met . An the other hand, I am very shy and to her new friends .I feel so proud of her , because if wasnt for her , I never have the Another example, is that Kelly and I have different kinds of works . She works as secretary and I work as house cleaner . She had this great Job in Boston as secretary . Alt is near her house, she has a great salary and a month of vacation paid every year . Her Job is so easy and she Just have to answer the phone ,book too ,instead, I have two girls kern 9 years old, Sarah 4 years old and a boy he is 12 time . When the park was closing we decided to sleep at the hotel inside the park.
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